Friday, January 2, 2009

Piano Man 2009

Gavin got a late Christmas present on New Year's Day-ish (Big shout out "Thank you" to Holly and Michael). He couldn't decide which he liked better: the new Gav-sized piano, or the big box it came in! In the video, you can see how he splits his time between both. It went on for quite some time and I thought it was pretty funny.


Kristin said...

So cute. I especially love the infomercial going on in the background.

The Wright Family said...

That was great...

Kristin said...

Cade says that was silly. Sage thought it was so cute when he went back and forth. They miss little Gavi.

Kristin said...

Seriously you need to start posting some pictures of the Gavinator. Spend a little less time walking and update the post.