Monday, October 15, 2007

Birth Day

On Sunday September 16, 2007, Gavin Hilton Gutierrez made his debut into the world. Born 7 weeks premature, the first several people I shared the news with thought that I was making a prank call and didn't believe that he was actually born.

He was a surprise to me too, and if Kristin and Mackinlay hadn't actually dragged me to the hospital, he might have been born in my bathtub. I knew my water had broken in primary that morning, but I was still in denial. I called Shana to say I was having "cramps" and she corrected me by saying I was having "contractions". At the hospital, things progressed swiftly. I was transported by ambulance to LDS Hospital so they could take care of my little premie. I nearly gave birth in the ambulance and my poor little guy had a bit of a conehead for the first few weeks from me holding him in. Finally the nice doctor at LDS Hospital let me push and that sweet boy came into the world, screaming his little head off. The doctors called him "feisty" and insisted he would outlive them. He weighed 4 pounds 15 ounces and measured 18" long and surprised us with a mess of auburn hair.


Arizona Travel said...

Lauren, he is fantastic! What a beautiful boy with Mama's gorgeous big eyes. I am glad to hear you're all home and doing well. Ann Bunderson told me Gavin had arrived and so I hope you received the outfit I sent (not seeking a thank-you, just confirming it got to the PO Box address I mailed to.)

BTW, look at you Web savvy! Love the blog. Keep the pictures coming!

Arizona Travel said...

La-La... sorry... Arizona Travel is me, Christina (Raab) Hecht... forgot my name doesn't post.

Barb said...

Hey Gavin! My first blog. I loved your October photos! I can't believe your already a medical doctor! And so young! Hope to see you soon when your Mom comes into work! You take care now and let me know when you want to hang out. I usually get kicked out of the McDonalds play area but hey-theres lots of McDonalds! Lots of Love and gotta go-CSI is on! Love, Barb